

For decades, witches have been moving slowly out of the shadows and spreading good magic across the planet. In 2016, we were poised to claim our power in a new way. Sensing their time was at an end, the forces of capitalism, patriarchal greed and white supremacy united for one last gasp, producing our present circumstances — a global pandemic, Nazis in the streets, our earth in peril, and the aftermath of an actual rapist in the White House. It's not great out there these days. But we’re still fighting for the change we deserve to see. In 2024, we will support progressive candidates, advocate for justice, and most importantly: VOTE, WITCH!


Register To Vote.

Local elections have more influence over your life than you probably realize, and a single vote can mean the difference between progress and full-scale fascism. That vote could be YOURS!

1. Register to vote.

2. Research local candidates and ballot questions.

3. Show up to the polls with your coven, OR make sure to get your absentee ballot in on time. 

Check Your
Enrollment Status

The best way to make sure you're registered to vote is to check your enrollment status. Take a look at your enrollment status right the eff now, friend.


Get tote-ally

amped to cast your vote!


Listen to the feminist witches of Salem
