Episode 6: 10 Ways to Witch the Vote

Hexing the system can feel overwhelming (especially in the shadow of recent political events) but stepping away just isn't an option. In this episode Paige and Erica list 10 ways you can #witchthevote while you're waiting to cast your ballot, and how those actions can strengthen your magical practice!

Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project
Massachusetts Center for Native American Awareness
Gifford Cat Shelter
Black Lives Matter Postcard by Nikini Kill
Rachel Cargle’s Therapy for Black Women + Girls Fund
Hexing the Patriarchy by Ariel Gore

Follow us online at www.witchthevote.com, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/witchthevote, and on Instagram at @witchthevote. This episode of the #WitchTheVote Podcast is hosted by Erica Feldmann and Paige Curtin. It is produced by Anthony Bonarrigo.

Anthony Bonarrigo